Add Dedicated Page

Add A Dedicated Page

QR Headstone Plate and Page -

If you already have our QR plate, but want to change it to point to information you provide, a Dedicated Page is your answer! A Dedicated Page is a long-term web page to store the updated obituary, tribute, or biography. Just email or mail us the text and a picture(s). We will automatically repoint the QR plate to point to this new page. Order Now!

Our dedicated page will protect that your loved one’s information is available for the future!  We keep our web structure paid ahead by 10 years, but our goal is to keep the pages indefinitely.

Some existing websites that have information about your loved one require people to subscribe (now or in the future) to view their information. A subscription to view greatly QR Headstone Plate and Page - Cemetery Biography - CemeteryBio.comdiscourages people from viewing the information. A news website may archive obituaries after a while and the page address could change where the QR plate will needed updated to work. Many sites may eventually charge people or require a subscription to view the obituary or information. That is why you should consider adding a Dedicated Page!

The Dedicated Page is where you send us the words and picture(s) and we will create a web page to store the information. Write a short biography of of family, interests, achievements, character examples, funny stories, etc. Or you can edit the original obituary wording to update or improve it before submitting. We offer a 30 day money back guarantee! Order page.

The Dedicated Page option has several advantages!

  • QR Headstone Plate AND Dedicated Page - Cemetery Biography - CemeteryBio.comGood choice to be in control of what is said from the QR plate.
  • Good choice if the existing online obituary begins requiring visitors to have a subscription, which will discourage cemetery visitors. Most newspapers and free genealogy sites will eventually require a subscription, if they don’t already. The Dedicated Page option will never require a subscription.
  • Good choice in case the funeral home eventually goes out of business or sells their business and the web address changes, which will cause the plate to not work.
  • Good choice to protect against web address changes caused by websites upgrading their web system. The Dedicated Page option will always keep the same web address for your page.
  • Good choice if you would rather submit a tribute or short biography instead of an obituary for cemetery visitors to read. Even if it is short, visitors would enjoy reading about your memories of the person.
  • Good choice instead of pointing the QR plate to a page you create elsewhere, because you might lose that page in the future! What would happen to the page if something happened to you? The Dedicated Page will ensure the QR plate connects to the obituary, tribute, or bio for the long haul. Our family-run organization plans to maintain the structure for generations.

How does Adding A Dedicated Page work?

First, purchase the Dedicated Page on our Order page. Second, watch your email for the link or mailing address to submit the text and picture. We will include tips for using an updated obituary or writing a tribute or mini biography. Third, receive the QR plate in less than one week. Last, place the plate at the cemetery. Done! Use our Order page! - Memorial Plaque and PageCan’t find a QR App on your phone?
Save time finding a free QR app for your phone by reading the QR app reviews (with links to install) on our Home page. Info to quickly choose one.